CTF CORRECTION IN ELECTRON TOMOGRAPHY, V1.2 (Jul-2013) ====================================================== Input image: /gpfs/appion/jchase/16sep28d/protomo_alignments/tiltseries0005/stack//__image023.mrc Output image: /gpfs/appion/jchase/16sep28d/protomo_alignments/tiltseries0005/stack//__ctfimage023.mrc Tilt angle: 35.99 Defocus at the untilted plane [A]: 28680.000000 Defocus Difference (Delta D) for strip extraction [A]: 250.000000 Input CTF parameters: CS[mm], HT[kV], AmpCnst, XMAG, DStep[um]: 2.7, 300.0, 0.07, 10000.0, 1.8 Angstroms/Pixel: 1.76 CTF correction parameters: Amplitude Correction? [Y|N]: Amplitude correction. Wiener filter parameters: w1, w2 w1=0.6700 ; w2=0.3300 --------------------------------------------------- CTF Correction based on 3838 2D-FFTs of 196 x 3710 Processing 1/3838, DF: 26223.12 Processing 1920/3838, DF: 28680.64 Processing 3838/3838, DF: 31136.88 ---------------------------------------------------