Additional Details: 1. data/alignment_files directory Transformation files (rotation and translation) for tilt-series alignment. The files were created using eTomo's tiltalign function. 2. data/subtomograms_coord_rot directory Coordinates and rotations for subtomograms (split into even and odd subsets) contributing to the final structures. The rotation is specified in Euler angles with ZXZ convention (Z = psi, X = theta, Z = phi) and describes the rotation of a reference, not a subtomogram (i.e. the subtomogram rotation is given by -phi, -theta, -psi). Each file has N rows (where N is number of subtomograms) and 7 columns: tomogram/tilt-series number, x coordinate (in voxels), y coordinate, z coordinate, phi angle (in degrees), psi angle, theta angle. 3. data/tomograms_info directory Tomograms reconstruction information. Dimensions and shifts for tomograms reconstruction (done using novaCTF SW). The format corresponds to eTomo's format. After reconstruction, tomograms were rotated around x axis by 90 degrees using "trimvol -rx" command from IMOD.