*** Entries to program alignframes ***
  InputFile = 814_004.tif
  OutputImageFile = W:/Modis_02July2018/images/814_004_ali.mrc
  AlignAndSumBinning = 4 1
  ScalingOfSum = 12.225000
  GainReferenceFile = CountRef_58-4_001.dm4
  RotationAndFlip = -1
  CameraDefectFile = defects_455_001.txt
  PairwiseFrames = 40
  ShiftLimit = 20
  GroupSize = 1
  FilterRadius2 = 0.060000
  VaryFilter = 0.060000
  RefineAlignment = 5
  StopIterationsAtShift = 0.100000
  RefineRadius2 = 0.060000
  MinForSplineSmoothing = 0
  UseGPU = 0
  AntialiasFilter = 4
  FilterSigma2 = 0.008574
*** End of entries ***

Assuming binning of 1.0 instead of a small subarea;
    use the -imagebinned option to set a binning if this is incorrect.
File 1 (814_004.tif): 40 frames
  Weighted residual mean = 0.581, SD = 0.277, mean max = 0.99, max max = 0.99
  Max unweighted resid mean = 3.41, max = 3.41   Dist = 10.09, smoothed = 5.06
 FRC crossings 0.5: 0.0066  0.25: 0.0159  0.125: 0.0709  is 0.0673 at 0.25/pix