*** Entries to program alignframes *** InputFile = 2-g1_10007.tif OutputImageFile = Y:/Kenji_Upenn/Rina_20200304/2-g1_10007_ali.mrc AlignAndSumBinning = 10 2 ScalingOfSum = 32.000000 GainReferenceFile = SuperRef_2-g1_00000.dm4 RotationAndFlip = -1 PairwiseFrames = 7 ShiftLimit = 20 GroupSize = 1 FilterRadius2 = 0.050000 VaryFilter = 0.050000 RefineAlignment = 0 StopIterationsAtShift = 0.100000 MinForSplineSmoothing = 0 UseGPU = 0 FixedTotalDose = 45.1 AntialiasFilter = 4 FilterSigma2 = 0.007145 *** End of entries *** File 1 (2-g1_10007.tif): 30 frames Weighted residual mean = 0.317, SD = 0.156, mean max = 0.53, max max = 0.66 Max unweighted resid mean = 1.17, max = 1.81 Dist = 13.26, smoothed = 6.37 FRC crossings 0.5: 0.0063 0.25: 0.0113 0.125: 0.0710 is 0.0758 at 0.25/pix SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED