To generate sub-tomogram averages of full-length microtubules: - launch 'eTomo file_name.epe' from the microtubule directory - select the 'Run' tab and press 'Run' - at the end of the process, click on 'Open averages in 3dmod' to visualize the sub-tomogram average in the 'Isosurface' window of 3dmod To generate sub-tomogram averages of the segments: - launch 'eTomo' from 'segment1' directory and click on ‘Subvolume Averaging (PEET)’ - click on ‘Copy project from’, select the ‘file_name.epe’ of the whole microtubule in the parent directory, change the ‘Base name’ to 'file_name_S1' and click on ‘Ok’ - In the ’Setup' tab, select the ‘Model’ and ‘MOTL’ files present in the segment1 directory - Open the initMOTL.csv in a text editor to get the number of particles (column #4) - In the ‘Setup’ tab, indicate a reference particle number that is about half that of the total number of particles - In the ‘Run’ tab, change the ‘Number of Particles to Average’ in the three boxes by the total number of particles in the segment and press ‘Run’ - To process the other segments, use the ‘file_name.epe’ of segment1 as a template (‘Copy project from’) and update informations as performed for segment1