# Command file to run Tilt # ####CreatedVersion####4.10.18 # # RADIAL specifies the frequency at which the Gaussian low pass filter begins # followed by the standard deviation of the Gaussian roll-off # # LOG takes the logarithm of tilt data after adding the given value # $tilt -StandardInput InputProjections 20200309_riboprot_a010_singleshot_tomo_013-dose_filt.ali OutputFile 20200309_riboprot_a010_singleshot_tomo_013-dose_filt_full.rec IMAGEBINNED 8 TILTFILE 20200309_riboprot_a010_singleshot_tomo_013-dose_filt.tlt THICKNESS 928 RADIAL 0.35 0.035 FalloffIsTrueSigma 1 XAXISTILT 0.0 LOG 0.0 SCALE 0.0 330.0 PERPENDICULAR MODE 2 FULLIMAGE 3712 3712 SUBSETSTART 0 0 AdjustOrigin ActionIfGPUFails 1,2 XTILTFILE 20200309_riboprot_a010_singleshot_tomo_013-dose_filt.xtilt OFFSET 0.0 SHIFT 0.0 0.0 UseGPU 0 $if (-e ./savework) ./savework