The following warnings were encountered upon command-line parsing: WARNING: Option --angpix is not a valid RELION argument WARNING: MotionCorr/job002/ seems to be from a previous version of Relion. Attempting conversion... You should make sure metadata in the optics group table after conversion is correct. WARNING: You did not specify --angpix_ref. The pixel size in the image header of Refine3D/job221/run_half1_class001_unfil.mrc, 0.825 A/px, is used. WARNING: pixel size (--angpix) is smaller than the AutoPick pixel size (--coords_angpix) This is probably a rounding error. It is recommended to set --angpix (0.825) to at least 0.825 WARNING: pixel size (--angpix) is smaller than the movie pixel size (--movie_angpix) This is probably a rounding error. It is recommended to set --angpix (0.825) to at least 0.825