++++ Executing new job on Mon Jun 19 16:58:17 2023 ++++ with the following command(s): `which relion_autopick_mpi` --i CtfFind/job007/micrographs_ctf.star --odir AutoPick/job011/ --pickname autopick --topaz_exe /public/EM/topaz-filaments/topaz-filaments --particle_diameter 250 --topaz_extract --topaz_model model_305-379_1.sav --topaz_args " -f -t -6 " --gpu "4:5:6:7" --pipeline_control AutoPick/job011/ ++++ ++++ Executing new job on Mon Jun 19 17:16:13 2023 ++++ with the following command(s): `which relion_autopick_mpi` --i CtfFind/job007/micrographs_ctf.star --odir AutoPick/job011/ --pickname autopick --topaz_exe /public/EM/topaz-filaments/topaz-filaments --particle_diameter 250 --topaz_extract --topaz_model model_305-379_1.sav --topaz_args " -f -t -6 " --gpu "4:5:6:7" --only_do_unfinished --pipeline_control AutoPick/job011/ ++++ ++++ Executing new job on Tue Jun 20 08:48:16 2023 ++++ with the following command(s): `which relion_autopick_mpi` --i CtfFind/job007/micrographs_ctf.star --odir AutoPick/job011/ --pickname autopick --topaz_exe /public/EM/topaz-filaments/topaz-filaments --particle_diameter 250 --topaz_extract --topaz_model model_305-379_1.sav --topaz_args " -f -t -6 " --gpu "4:5:6:7" --only_do_unfinished --pipeline_control AutoPick/job011/ ++++ ++++ Executing new job on Tue Jun 20 11:08:53 2023 ++++ with the following command(s): `which relion_autopick_mpi` --i CtfFind/job007/micrographs_ctf.star --odir AutoPick/job011/ --pickname autopick --topaz_exe /public/EM/topaz-filaments/topaz-filaments --particle_diameter 250 --topaz_extract --topaz_model model_305-379_1.sav --topaz_args " -f -t -6 " --gpu "4:5:6:7" --only_do_unfinished --pipeline_control AutoPick/job011/ ++++